We first worked on a village development project in Laos in 2007. Tha Pene village wanted to build a water system, by sensing the water source and building a 12m3 basin in the Mekong river stone to store the water!!
Working with communities of Laos is very effective. People are so dedicated. There are many small communities, of less then 50 families. The local administration asked villagers to group themselves within the communities: 3 headmen, women and youth association. All these create a good spirit making it easier to build and realize the project.
Lao people participate greatly in the realization, being able to gather money or material found in their region: wood, gravel, earth. They often contribute with a labor force, gathering the population to work on community projects.

Medical supplies to Tha Pene village health center
In spring 2016, the medical team of Tha Pene village health center, in Luang Prabang province, northern Laos, expressed its wish to buy more medical equipments.
AROM, an association from France, wanted to follow on the partnership with the village, partnership they launched with the construction of the health center second building in 2015.

Help access to health care in zone 516
“Zone 516" consists of nine villages located on the coast of Nam Ngum lake, a hundred kilometers north of Vientiane, the capital of Laos.
In 2014, officials of the clinic asked for help to buy blood analysis equipment. This material became necessary to diagnose diseases such as dengue fever and malaria, still quite present in this region during the rainy season. 2 persons of the medical team were trained by the health district office to use blood analysis equipment.

The “Km17″ high school librairy
The "km17" school group is located 17km north of Oudomsay in Laos, on the road to Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam. Children from the neighboring communities, living often in remote mountains, come here to learn. Often these students must stay in the boarding school or walk several hours per day to reach the school.
The director and the different teachers of the school group wanted to build a library that would be a living and meeting place.

A better access to water for Namet village
Namet is a village of 245 families, located along the Nam Beng river, in northern Laos. Villagers have replaced 1km of defective piping of their water system to capture more water. They newly coated the water tank and repaired the roads and paths of the village.

Sop Oun village build a playground for its school
Sop Oun village, on the benches of the Nam Ou river in northern Laos, has built a permanent playground for its nursery school and first classes of the elementary school.
Previously, teachers were making this playground with wood and bamboo found locally. After the rainy season the equipment had to be rebuilt. It is a hard task for the teachers, women in majority.

Sop Oun village connect its school to the grid
In 2009, the director and teachers of Sop Oun elementary school needed funds to improve conditions of work and study. They wanted to connect the school to the electricity grid and to buy cabinets to store the books offered by the association "Big Brother Mouse," in order to properly keep the books and create a reading room.

Pavie village improved its fountains
Pavie village decided to gradually improve its fountains. The project consists of building, for each fountain, hard enclosures and a rooftop, to improve comfort and privacy.
A first phase was funded by the communal fund. The villagers improved one fountain. It was a success and they decided to continue with 3 other fountains.
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We traveled twice with Solidarasia, in Laos and in Vietnam. We booked these trips via […]
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This trip to Cambodia was our first experience of fair trade and solidarity tourism. Robert, […]
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We were in Laos in March 2011 and wanted to do the most authentic travel […]
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I have already traveled 2 times with Solidarasia. The first time was on their program […]
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We chose, for our first trip outside Europe, Laos. We wanted to experience this culture […]
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- Blog Read more
Some days in the nature conservation area of Ngoc Son Ngo Luong
May 7, 2016
After 10 years experience, Solidarasia has finally its first website!
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A wedding in Tonkin
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