A wedding in Tonkin

January 19, 2016

Solidarasia travel blog

On January 17, 2016, two lovers of Tonkin in northern Vietnam were married. They followed the ancient customs of these regions to seal their love and start a family life.


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The day before, in the evening, family and friends of the groom’s family were invited to meet at the family home. When I arrived, various groups were discussing around tables, drinking green tea of northern Vietnam, smoking tobacco in bamboo bongs. The groom greeted me; he looked so happy that I noticed to him. ” Of course!! Tomorrow I will have a wife!”, he replied.

The preparation of the next day’s ceremony was taking place in good spirits. We had to decorate the place, cooking the dishes. We ate and drank a lot. Some began to sing with the karaoke amplified by a huge sound system.


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Then others continued playing cards until the middle of the night.


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At the home of the bride’s family home, it should be somewhat the same atmosphere.

Late in the evening, some of the guests went to bed. Others continued all night. They would all get up at 4am the next day to pick up the bride at home, more than 100km away, across the plains of Tonkin.


The departure for the house of the bride was fixed at 5am and 16 cars took part in the procession. Some of us stayed to welcome the guests. The groom’s family, neighbours, friends of the family began to flock from 7.30am. We began to celebrate.



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After a 5 hours drive and a ceremony in the house of the bride, brides sat in front of the guests.


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There were short speeches, the groom declared his love, and songs dedicated to the happiness of the young couple were sung. We sat down again, with the blessing of married who came to toast each tables.


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By early afternoon, everyone was home and the family started to tidy up the house. Barely a dozen people were still present and all was well clean and tidy, in roughly an hour of time. Even the bride was washing the dishes!!


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