July 2007 in Cambodia
France- May 2015
This trip to Cambodia was our first experience of fair trade and solidarity tourism.
Robert, by skillfully organizing a circuit combining visits, meetings with the population, the discovery of local life … gave us the taste for authentic journeys, based on values of sharing and discoveries of other culture, immerse with local life.
We then wished that our children would benefit from the wealth of these trips, closer to the population and local life, by sharing with them our 5 following trips (fair trade and solidarity tourism). For all those who are questionning themselves about the possibility of bringing children into circuits out of the beaten tracks, you will be amazed by the capacity to adapt themselves of the children (much higher, I think, then adults). Through these trips, discovering other cultures and other ways of life, it was for our children multiple questioning, questioning on values given to different things, insights … In short, an extremely postive enrichment and above all a broad mind that characterizes them today.
Our oldest daughter decided in 2014, after being graduate from high-school, to spend one year for a solidarity action. Thanks to Robert for allowing her to realize it at “the refuge” of Kol, in Cambodia.