November 2019 in Laos
France- February 2020
I will share just those 3 pictures, but they are important. The first shows the “Tak Baat” ceremony in Luang Prabang. I dreamed of attending it. I remember one resident met this morning told me that this is a great opportunity to start your day with a donation. About this ceremony, I recommend reading “L’école de la foret, un itinéraire spirituel lao” of Amphay Doré, an autobiography that offers a glimpse of what the Buddhist religion for Lao is and understand the role of Tak Baat in his life.
The second picture is a portrait of a woman met on the boat down the Mekong to Luang Prabang. She shared her meals with us and I was a bit forced to taste her boiled beetles larvae. She was going to the city to sell Mekong algae. I was struck by the power that emanated from his face.
The third photo is a picture of me with my host family in a village near Muang La.
All photos taken in this beautiful country are reminiscents of moments that always were of great emotions, through landscapes, pagodas, palaces, rivers and people met doing daily activities often disappeared in the West.
Stay tuned for another trip.
Trip to Laos with Vision du Monde, from the 9th to the 24th November 2013