Françoise and Gérard
November 2016 in Laos
France- January 2023
We have fond memories of this destination, six years after we still talk about it. It was a discovery for us because we did not know about the tourism for solidarity.
We enjoyed encounters with smiling and caring Lao people, their customs, their daily way of life. We can not forget the shamanic ceremony for the tiller in the village of Pavie, purchase financed half by the tourism for solidarity, half by the villagers.
Not to forget, riding up the Mekong river with traders and villagers, sharing meals, their way to travel, the use of local transportation and walks in the rice fields …
A good balance between tourism and immersion by the inhabitants.
In addition, we realized the importance of these associations on spot, visiting achievements of the organization (school, clinic, water supply, project on cotton in the Nam Being valley).
A journey off the beaten track and where the role of human being has all its sense.